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Tangshan Keyuan Environmental Protection Technology & Equipment Co., Ltd
Gas from activated carbon production

Activated carbon activation includes processes such as drying, pre carbonization, carbonization, and calcination, where both pre carbonization and carbonization can produce combustible gases. When the temperature rises to around 275 degrees, the thermal decomposition reaction of wooden materials is obvious, and the chemical composition begins to change. Unstable components begin to decompose to produce substances such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of acetic acid. When the temperature rises to around 400 degrees, the raw materials undergo rapid thermal decomposition, producing a large number of decomposition products, such as acetic acid, methanol, and wood tar. The carbon dioxide content in the generated gas products gradually decreases, while combustible gases such as methane and ethylene gradually increase. This type of gas can be recycled and reused.

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