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Tangshan Keyuan Environmental Protection Technology & Equipment Co., Ltd
Cyclone separator

Working principle: The cyclone separator removes particulate impurities carried by gases (flue gas, natural gas, cracking gas, pyrolysis gas, blast furnace gas, coke oven gas, generator gas, etc.) through the dual action of centrifugal force and gravity. The dust removal efficiency ranges from 55% to 95% depending on the different gases and impurities.

Component: The cyclone sepatator is composed of an inlet pipe, an outlet pipe, a cylinder, a lower cone, and an ash hopper.

Features: The cyclone separator has a simple structure, is easy to manufacture and install, has low equipment investment, and low operating and maintenance costs. Depending on the temperature of the purified gas, it can be used at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 1000 degrees Celsius.

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