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Tangshan Keyuan Environmental Protection Technology & Equipment Co., Ltd
The new technology is successful

Congratulations on our company's successful completion of the construction of a chemical plant gas station in Shanxi. At the end of November, the dry distillation gas generating station was formally put into use, and it has been running for more than a month continuously. The condition of the furnace is stable and the parameters are normal. All the data have reached the design requirements. It marks that the technical innovation of the science source continues to lead the Chinese gasification industry.
The customer is the tar deep processing enterprise, the production line continuously has the phenol water production, the enterprise also needs to spend the cost to deal with the phenol water. Through the continuous communication with the customer, we have specially designed a new technology for the customer to use the gas furnace's own energy to deal with the phenol water. According to the actual test, it is compared with the traditional treatment method. The cost of dealing with phenolic water is greatly reduced by 500 kg/h in a single furnace, and the cost of treating phenolic water is saved by 2000 yuan/day in a single furnace.
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