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Tangshan Keyuan Environmental Protection Technology & Equipment Co., Ltd
Congratulations to Tangshan Keyuan as a well-known brand in China ASEAN.

In order to promote China-ASEAN brand building cooperation, the China-ASEAN Business Council has carried out two-way brand recommendation activities since this year. The directories of bi-directional recommended famous brands have been issued by the Council. The media of the people's daily, Xinhua news agency, China News Agency and other national media, such as the Malaysia news agency and the Singapore Lianhe Zaobao, have received extensive attention.
The list of China famous brands recommended to ASEAN countries includes China famous brands including COFCO, AOKANG, Kangnai, TCL, and Joyoung, including electricity, construction materials, starch processing, leather, instrument, electrical appliances, clothing and other industries. Tangshan Keyuan environmental protection technology and Equipment Co., Ltd. has become the famous brand of the Council with the leading industry technology, excellent development and innovation ability, perfect manufacturing and service system.
People's daily, China News Agency, China International Radio, China Daily, international business daily, China economic times, the first financial daily, China economic network, harmony news network, "finance and economics" magazine and other Chinese media representatives, Ma Xin, Malaysia "Star newspaper" in Beijing press conference.

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